Rockfish Wellies Soar Over the Rainbow
At last RTG's claim to fame. After being in this business for over 20 years we have eventually featured on TV, or should I say our wellington boots have.
If you were one of the 7 million viewers, watching BBC Over the Rainbow on Saturday night you might have spied the Dorothy's skipping around in Red Wellington Boots. RTG’s, Rockfish Wellington Boots nonetheless!
While I can't promise the wellingtons to have the same magical properties as Dorothy's Ruby Slippers, they will keep your feet warm and dry.
A traditional British staple, our Rockfish Wellies are manufactured right down to the 100% cotton inner lining and natural rubber sole in our own factories, booting out 'middle-man' mark ups and splashing greater accountability, control and flexibility over the entire manufacturing process. Available in nearly all the colours of the rainbow (Red, Pink, Green, Purple, Blue, Brown & Black) with a moulded deep-ridged sole for extra grip, the boot exemplifies our ethos to keep costs low and quality high by supplying inexpensive, durable and comfortable products direct.
All we have to work on now, are the magical properties 3 clicks of the heels to transport you back home !
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